Jobs Post Docs

Postdoc Funding Germany 2017 Diamler Und Benz Stiftung

This fellowship program is intended for young postgraduate scientists in the early phase of their postdoctoral career. In accordance with the foundation’s statutes, it is open for all scientific disciplines and subjects. Prerequisites are an own research project and the institutional affiliation to a scientific institution in Germany.
The scholarship is granted for two years. The annual grant totals 20,000 euros per scholarship. The money can be used to finance research assistants, technical equipment, research trips and conference attendance. The steadily growing network of scholarship holders brings young specialists together and allows an interdisciplinary exchange.
Who Can Apply?
The fellowships are intended to sponsor postdocs, in particular, junior professors or scientists in a comparable position, such as independent directors of a group of young researchers in German research institutions. Those interested can apply for the fellowship only for the support of their own research project. At regular intervals, the foundation organizes meetings for the exchange of ideas among the stipendiaries and for maintaining contact to the foundation. Willingness to take part
in these meetings is presupposed. The Fellowship’s Benefits The fellowship is granted for a duration of two years, the annual grant sum is 20,000 Euros. The stipendiaries must submit an interim report on the course and results of their research after one year, and a final report at the end of the fellowship. The fellowship is paid through the office for third-party funds at the research institution where the fellowship holder works. The fellowship sum can be used for the following purposes: for tools, equipment, computers, for the limited occupation of scientific assistants, for research travel, for participation in conferences, and for the organization of the fellowship holder’s own conferences. The
fellowship may, however, not be used for the own living expenses, printing costs. or expendable items, such as chemicals, paper, or the like.
How to Apply
Applications can be submitted in German or English until October 1st 2016, 24:00, either completely through our online application portal under, or in written form. Applications received after the deadline cannot be taken into consideration. the date of the post stamp does not count. Other sponsorships are not deducted from the fellowship sum. After the application deadline, a comparative preliminary assessment takes place. The candidates chosen are invited to a seminar in the foundation’s office in Ladenburg, in which they have the opportunity to present their project personally in the presence of representatives of the foundation and of scientific experts. Personal participation in the assessment seminar is a prerequisite for a possible award of the fellowship grant. A repeat application is not possible. If fellowship applications are not submitted online, they can be sent in written form − not, however, by fax or email, to the foundation’s
business office:
The Daimler und Benz Foundation

  1. O. Box 1246 68521 Ladenburg

(when sent through the German mail) The Daimler und Benz Foundation
Dr.-Carl-Benz-Platz 2
D-68526 Ladenburg (all other carriers, incl. DHL)
Fellowship Applications
In your application, please submit the following documents completely and − inasmuch as the application is made in written form in the order given, and without exception as a loose-leaf document printed respectively only on one side without stapling, folders, or transparent covers:

  1. C ertification of the institutional affiliation (for example, a letter of confirmation from the institute’s director)
  2. The title and a short description of the research project, giving information on the method(s) planned (three DIN A4-pages at most)
  3. The motivation for the choice of the project (one DIN A4-page at most)
  4. An approximate time schedule for the course of the project, including general information on the planned use of the fellowship (two DIN A4-pages at most)
  5. A tabular CV with the applicant’s scientific background (including publications, scholarships, prizes)
  6. C omplete copies of the Master’s certificate or Diploma, and of the graduation (doctoral) certificate (a provisional certificate will not be accepted). In the case of certificates in languages other than German or English, please include a certified German or English translation.
  7. Two confidential expertises which should provide information on the applicant’s person as well as on the project. The expertises must be written on the official letter paper of the institution

where the expert works. Expertises not written on official letter paper and unsigned expertises will not be taken into consideration. The experts have the choice, either to upload their expertises in the foundation’s online portal, or to send them in writing to the address given above.
For details please visit website
Post doc