
Ph.D. Student in Nice France 2016

Our Laboratory is situated at the Faculty of Medicine in Nice.
We study the mechanisms of oxidative stress and its protection, the causes and effects of inflammation, the regulation of intracellular pH and the regulation of membrane potential. We use a wide variety of approaches and techniques. They combine biochemical, molecular and cellular aspects with highly integrated approaches, such as the construction and study of transgenic animal models.
We are looking for excellent applicants for a PhD position, starting in September 2015. The fellowship is granted by the ICST Labex and will be awarded for one of the 3 thesis topics described below. Applicants must imperatively choose one of the three topics (further information can be asked by email to the PhD supervisors, see below). They have to send a detailed CV (with ranks and marks for the Master’s degree or equivalent) to Jacques.Barhanin@unice.fr before July 15 at 12pm, accompanied by a letter explaining their motivation for a PhD and for the chosen subject. Following a pre-selection based on the sent documents, an external panel of scientists will conduct an audition of the selected candidates. The date of the audition will be between July 20 and 29th in NICE at the laboratory.
Name of the thesis director (with HDR) :Saïd BENDAHHOU (bendahhou@unice.fr)
Title: Role of the Kir2.1 potassium channels in excitable and non-excitable tissues.
Name of the thesis director (with HDR) : Laurent COUNILLON. (Counillo@unice.fr)
Title: The Na+/H+ exchangers expressed in the intracellular compartments. From their biochemical function to their implication in Autism spectrum disorders.
Name of the thesis director (with HDR) : Christophe DURANTON/ Isabelle RUBERA. (Duranton@unice.fr)
Title: Roles and functions of the newly identified Cl- channels LRRC8 family in kidney physiology and differentiation of immune cells.

Job Information

Closing date:2015-07-15
Employment start date:2015-01-09
Contract length:3 years
Institution:University of Nice Sophia Antipolis-CNRS
Department:Laboratory of Molecular Physiomedicine (UMR7370)
Contact Information
Jacques Barhanin
LP2M UMR 7370 Faculté de Médecine, 28 Avenue de Valombrose
06107 Nice cedex France
Phone 0033 4 93 37 70 22