The NASA Astrobiology Program element of the NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP) provides opportunities for Ph.D. scientists and engineers of unusual promise and ability to perform research on problems largely of their own choosing, yet compatible with the research interests of the NASAAstrobiology Program. Applications to the Astrobiology Program are accepted twice each year: March 1 […]
DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowship Program_ Germany
The DKFZ Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is intended to recruit highly talented and motivated young scientist to the German Cancer Research Center. This program provides interdisciplinary training and research opportunities in state-of-the-art research facilities for excellent young scientists, no longer than 2 years past graduation, who wish to work at the forefront of cancer research in […]
Postdoc Funding Germany 2017 Diamler Und Benz Stiftung
This fellowship program is intended for young postgraduate scientists in the early phase of their postdoctoral career. In accordance with the foundation’s statutes, it is open for all scientific disciplines and subjects. Prerequisites are an own research project and the institutional affiliation to a scientific institution in Germany. The scholarship is granted for two years. […]
Postdocs positions in Israel
Dear friends, Israel faces a chronic shortage of postdoctoral students due largely to the fact that the majority of Israeli PhDs go abroad for a postdoc. In response, the Israel Young Academy initiated a few activities. As a first step an IASH committee launched a website showing current postdoc opportunities based on information provided by […]
Endeavors Australia Scholarship Australia 2017
Only 30 days are remaining, apply now for Endeavors Australia Dear all, Australian Government Scholarships (Endeavour 2017) for Masters, PhD, Diploma degrees, research exchanges for MS & PhD students, Post Doc., and professional courses for experienced people in almost every field are now open for applications Last date to apply : 30 June, 2016 (You […]
PostDoc Position networking and cloud computing South Korea
A postdoc position is immediately available in South Korea in the area of networking and cloud computing. The R&D will be mainly focused on workflow orchestration in Openstack based cloud environments. The postodoc fellow will work in collaboration with professors from a few south Korean universities. We are looking for someone with strong background in […]
University of South Wales Australia 600 PhD and Master Scholarships
UNSW Australia is launching a global recruitment drive for the world’s best research minds. Unprecedented investment is being made to recruit up to 130 new world-leading researchers and rising stars, as well as 500 new PhD scholars. We are recruiting 600 of the world’s best research minds to join us. UNSW is already at the cutting […]
Dr. Eduard Gübelin research scholarship For Earth Sciences. Switzerland
The Dr. Eduard Gübelin Research Scholarship is an annual grant allocated to an innovative research project in the field of gemmology awarded by The Dr. Eduard Gübelin Association for Research & Identification of Precious Stones – a non-profit entity of the Gübelin Group. The scholarship is intended to provide funding and support to MSc/PhD […]
PhD Research Fellowship in Mathematics At Oslo University. Norway
A position as PhD Research Fellow is available at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Oslo. The fellowship will be for a period of 3 years, with no compulsory work. Starting date no later than 01.08.2016. No one can be appointed for more than one fixed-term period at the same institution. Job/ project description: […]
PhD Candidate in Computational Biology/Bioinformatics At Oslo University. Norway
Background A 3-year PhD position funded by the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM) is available in Anthony Mathelier Group (Computational Biology & Gene Regulation). The group is part of NCMM – the Norwegian node of the Nordic EMBL Partnership for molecular medicine – and develops computational methods and tools to analyze the regulation of gene expression and […]