Jobs Post Docs

TAWAS Post Doc Call 2017

Scientists from developing countries who have recently earned their PhD can gain invaluable experience working with prominent scientists in a developing country through TWAS fellowships. Postdoctoral fellowships, lasting from six months to three years, are hosted in Brazil, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Africa and Thailand.
As of 2017, the following PDoc fellowship programmes will be going online and to apply, candidates will need to submit a new online application form:
CSIR, India; DBT, India; CIIT, Pakistan and ICCBS, Pakistan.
Applications for these fellowship programmes will ONLY be accepted via the online portal.
These fellowships will open one at a time and not simultaneously as in the past! Please see the overview page for more specific dates.
For programmes not listed above, the application submission will continue as in the past.

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brasilia, Brazil, and TWAS offer postdoctoral fellowships to young scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in natural sciences.


11 August 2017

Partner Organizations

Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development
Host country

Eligible nationalities

Minimum degree held



Minimum of 6 and maximum of 12 months

  • 01-Agricultural Sciences
  • 02-Structural, Cell and Molecular Biology
  • 03-Biological Systems and Organisms
  • 04-Medical and Health Sciences incl. Neurosciences
  • 05-Chemical Sciences
  • 06-Engineering Sciences
  • 07-Astronomy, Space and Earth Sciences
  • 08-Mathematical Sciences
  • 09-Physics
Age limit

Sandwich option

For detail Please visit