Pakistani Universities, Medical and Engineering Colleges must change their curriculum and policies. Engineering and Medical colleges need to include research form their second years of degree while Universities must train their faculties to start research on modern trends in science and technology. In last one month I received more then 300 inquires and CVs for Master and PhD positions in Korean and around the globe through my pages, groups and scholarship website. Majority of Engineering and Medical college students have no idea about research field or how to select their area of research. while most of MS students who completed their MS/MPhil from Pakistan , their research is typical on old topics so they are unable to attract professors who are conducting research on modern trends here in foreign countries. At least Pakistani professors must chose a good topic for their students weather they learn a little about it. Because if they have even basic Idea about modern research fields in world still they can grab some positions. Like our neighboring countries students captured the position easily here because at least their title of research matches with the trends of labs in advanced countries. For example Korea majority of engineering and biological labs are working on Bio-materials, Tissue Engineering, Stem cell for Organs on Chip, MEMS, Micro and nano devices , Artificial Intelligence, Nano Bio Computers, Synthetic Biology , Immune Modulation by using Nanomaterials so only very few of our MS student have ideas about these other wise rest even heard these first time. Majority of applicants failed to make a good two page research proposals. So we need to think on these lines if we want to increase our opportunities out countries. While a lot of basic research is going on these countries in neighboring countries and their students can got positions here easily.
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