For young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and developing long-term collaborations
The fellowship allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection and climate-related resource conservation. Fellows are free to choose their own hosts. Submit an application if you come from a non-European transition or developing country (see list of countries) and are active in any of the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change.
List of countries:
Afghanistan, Ecuador, Madagascar, Samoa, Algeria, Egypt, Malawi, Sao Tomé and Príncipe, Angola, El Salvador, Malaysia, Senegal, Antigua and Barbuda, Equatorial, Guinea, Maldives, Seychelles, Argentina, Eritrea, Mali, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Marshall Islands, Solomon Islands, Mauritania, Somalia, Bangladesh, Mauritius, South Africa, Belize, Fiji, Mexico, South Sudan, Benin, Micronesia, Fed. States Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Gabon, Morocco, St. Kitts and Nevis, Bolivia, Gambia, Mongolia, St. Lucia, Botswana, Ghana, Mozambique, St. Vincent and Brazil Grenada, Myanmar, the Grenadines, Burkina Faso, Guatemala, Sudan, Burundi, Guinea, Suriname, Guinea-Bissau, Namibia, Swaziland, Guyana, Nauru, Syria, Cambodia, Nepal, Cameroon, Nicaragua, Cape Verde, Haiti, Niger, Tajikistan, Central African, Republic Honduras, Nigeria, Tanzania, Chad, Niue, Thailand, Chile, India, Timor-Leste, China, PR of Indonesia, Togo, Colombia, Iran, Pakistan, Tonga, Comoros, Iraq, Palestinian territories, Tunisia, Congo, Dem. Rep. of Palau Turkmenistan, Congo, Rep. of the Panama Tuvalu Cook Islands Jamaica Papua New Guinea Costa Rica, Jordan, Paraguay, Cote d’Ivoire, Peru, Uganda, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Philippines, Uruguay, Kenya, Uzbekistan, Kiribati, Dominica, Korea, Dem. PR of Rwanda, Dominican, Republic Kyrgyzstan, Vanuatu, Djibouti, Venezuela, Laos, Vietnam, Lesotho, Lebanon, Yemen, Liberia, Libya, Zambia and Zimbabwe
During a three-week introductory phase, you will have the opportunity to make contact with other climate protection fellows and visit companies, research institutions and cultural events in Germany. An intensive German-language course before you begin the fellowship will smooth your way into everyday life in Germany whilst a continuing education event lasting several days in the course of the fellowship will enable you to acquire not only practical knowledge of climate protection but also expertise in management.
The closing date for applications is 1 March 2016. Subject to final confirmation of funding, 20 fellowships can be granted.
- The first university degree (Bachelor’s or equivalent) must have been obtained within the past 12 years, counting from the end of the application period
- Clearly visible leadership potential demonstrated by experience in a leadership position, or appropriate references
- Work experience (at least 48 months at the time of application) or a successfully completed doctorate in the field of climate protection
- A detailed statement by a host in Germany, including a mentoring agreement. You can find information on potential host institutions in Germany on the project data base of the German Federal Environmental Foundation, on the Research Explorer, on theKlimanavigator and in the link list provided by the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research.
Additional requirements …
- Fellowship amount according to qualifications between €2,150 and €2,650 per month
- Two-month intensive language course in Germany
- Lump sum for travel expenses
- Allowances for visits by family members lasting at least three months
- Allowance of €800 per month for the host in Germany for projects in the natural and engineering sciences, and €500 per month for projects in the humanities and social sciences
Additional benefits …
How are the application and selection procedures handled?
Immediately after submitting the documents, the applicant will receive a confirmation.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all the necessary documents have been submitted. Incomplete applications may be excluded from the selection procedure.
The proposed host in Germany should send his/her confidential statement directly to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation by the closing date at the latest.
After reviewing the applications, an independent selection committee will decide, probably by the beginning of July 2016, which candidates will be invited to participate in a selection meeting in Germany lasting several days. This selection meeting will take place from 13 to 16 September 2016 and applicants will be given the opportunity to outline their proposal to the selection committee and the other applicants as well as to attend individual interviews held by the selection committee. At the end of the meeting the selection results will be announced.
What is the time frame for applications, selection and fellowships?
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