Announcing Prestigious PhD Scholarships for Māori and Pacific Research
Ageing Well National Science Challenge is pleased to announce the funding for three prestigious PhD scholarships, two for Māori candidates and one for a Pacific candidate, with the twin aims of developing research capacity and building excellent research into ageing well for Māori and Pacific peoples.
Research on issues related to Māori and Pacific Peoples’ ageing funded through these Prestigious Scholarships will help to build upon and expand the scope and potential impacts from the Ageing Well National Science Challenge, while ensuring new researchers and ideas are incorporated into the Challenge’s work. Ageing Well is committed to supporting the development of Māori and Pacific research capability, and to advancing Vision Mātauranga, and funding research that will have equitable outcomes for diverse communities.
“We are thrilled to announce these Prestigious PhD scholarships to support and encourage the career development of Māori and Pacific researchers,” said Associate Professor Louise Parr-Brownlie, Director of Ageing Well.
“Ageing Well is committed to equitable outcomes for diverse communities and opportunities such the Prestigious PhD Scholarships are just one of the ways in which we champion the voices of Māori and Pacific people in science and research. These scholars bring unique skills and knowledge that are needed to address the biggest health and wellbeing opportunities for older New Zealanders,” she said.
To find out more about this opportunity and how to apply, please read our news story or visit the funding opportunities tab on our website.